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学术报告115:Oskar Baksalary — On the projectors

时间:2022-11-04 作者: 点击数:



:Oskar Baksalary教授

工作单位:Adam Mickiewicz University


报告人简介:Oskar Baksalary,波兰波兹南密茨凯维奇大学教授,研究领域为矩阵论及广义逆理论在物理中的应用,已在知名期刊上发表150余篇论文,目前担任IMAGE – The Bulletin of the International Linear Algebra Society,Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra期刊的编委。

报告简介:A particular version of the singular value decomposition is exploited for an extensive analysis of two orthogonal projectors, namely FF and F F, determined by a complex square matrix F and its Moore–Penrose inverse F . Various functions of the projectors are considered from the point of view of their nonsingularity, idempotency, nilpotency, or their relation to the known classes of matrices, such as EP, bi-EP, GP, DR, or SR. This part of the paper was inspired by Benítez and Rakocˇevic´ [J. Benítez, V. Rakocˇevic´ , Matrices A such that AA+are nonsingular, Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2010) 3493–3503]. Further characteristics of F+F and F F+, with a particular attention paid on the results dealing with column and null spaces of the functions and their eigenvalues, are derived as well. Besides establishing selected exemplary results dealing with FF and F F, the paper develops a general approach whose applicability extends far beyond the characteristics provided therein.

上一篇:学术报告116:Oskar Baksalary — On a pair of vector spaces

下一篇:学术报告114:Oskar Baksalary — Core inverse of matrices